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Are you expecting your first baby?

Get the first chapter of the Newborn Sleep Guide for free.

My Newborn Sleep guide is your complete guide to navigating sleep from 0-16 weeks.

Are you exhausted, trying to heal from birth, and your baby will only sleep on you?

Do you want to an evidence-based guide to better sleep in a responsive, attachment-focused way?

What if I told you that it IS possible to get better sleep in the fourth trimester… and it starts with creating sleep foundations for your little one.

My Newborn Sleep Guide will help you create a strong foundation for your baby's sleep and help you confidently navigate sleep from 0-16 weeks.

Confidently bond with your baby and follow your intuition while optimizing your baby’s sleep.

Grab you free preview of the Newborn Sleep Guide now! You'll receive the first chapter right to your inbox.

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